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  • Gattaca Horizons LLC

The Hill Op-Ed: Building digital infrastructure for the future of finance

There is general consensus that America’s roads, bridges, ports, and powerlines need an upgrade. It’s also true that digital financial technologies, or “fintech,” are increasingly forming the backbone of our financial infrastructure and replacing inefficient, often manual processes with modern rails built upon automation, data analytics, and consumer-centric benefits, including access, speed and customization.

When it comes to financial health, it is critical that policymakers look to forward-leaning policies that safeguard consumers and unlock greater financial inclusivity, choice and opportunity. To fully realize the benefits of a modern financial system, policymakers must anchor policy to three key pillars: recognizing the impact of fintech on financial inclusion; modernizing financial regulatory frameworks; and fostering technology adoption. This is critical given the rise of global fintech competition and to ensure that the future of financial services is underpinned by American norms, values and the rule of law.

Fintech innovation is not hype and marketing — it is real impact for real people.

[To continue reading the op-ed please visit The Hill]

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